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A collection of search terms and key topics related to cost segregation.

2 days ago4 min read
Understanding IRS Form 3115: Application for Change in Accounting Method
What is Form 3115? Businesses need IRS approval to change their accounting methods to ensure consistency and fairness in tax reporting....

6 days ago2 min read
What is 45L Tax Credit?
The 45L Energy Tax Credit is a federal incentive designed to promote energy-efficient residential construction.

Feb 43 min read
Understanding Sections 1231, 1245, and 1250 Property Classifications
Meet Sharron, a successful business owner who recently decided to sell two major assets from her manufacturing company: a commercial...

Jan 162 min read
What is IRS Publication 946?
IRS Publication 946, "How to Depreciate Property," is a comprehensive tax document that explains how businesses and individuals can...

Jan 103 min read
What is 179D?
The 179D tax deduction, also known as the Energy-Efficient Commercial Buildings Deduction , is a section of the tax code designed to...

Jan 83 min read
What is Recapture?
In tax accounting, recapture is the process of adjusting taxable income higher due to certain deductions made in the previous period. A...

Jan 73 min read
What is Estate Planning?
Think of estate planning as creating a detailed instruction manual for your loved ones about your wishes and assets. Just as you might...

Jan 54 min read
How to Find the Best Cost Segregation Study for Long Term Rentals
When you invest in a long-term rental property, you're not just purchasing a building, you're acquiring a complex asset.

Dec 31, 20244 min read
How to Find a Great Cost Segregation Study for Short Term Rentals
If you've recently started hosting on Airbnb, you might be surprised to learn about a powerful tax strategy called a cost segregation study

Dec 31, 20243 min read
What is a CPA?
A CPA (Certified Public Accountant) is a licensed financial professional who helps people and businesses with their money, taxes, and...

Dec 27, 20243 min read
What is Depreciation?
Depreciation is a way to account for how buildings and property wear down over time. Think of it like how a car loses value as it gets...

Dec 24, 20243 min read
How to Find a Cost Seg Firm
Picking a cost segregation firm is like choosing a dentist. Just like you want to trust your dentist to take care of your teeth, you want...
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