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About FindCostSeg

A letter from the curator

Why this directory?

Hey there, I'm Greg.


Finding the right cost segregation study - a certified one that understands both the intricacies of my investments and the nuances of my personal finances, shouldn’t feel like scaling Everest. Yet, my experience has been exactly that: time-consuming, frustrating, and full of uncertainty.


Hours of research. Calls and estimates. Listening to promises that often feel more about salesmanship than engineering expertise.


After all that, I’m still sitting there wondering: Who will really do the best cost seg for me?

It’s not a small decision. Choose the wrong cost seg firm, and you’re not just losing tax savings, you’re potentially entangling yourself in IRS audits.

This situation struck me as absurd. Surely, there must be a better way to navigate this.

And that’s where FindCostSeg comes in.

I built this platform out of necessity, a necessity I suspect I share with many others. FindCostSeg has a mission to create a trustworthy resource for anyone searching cost segregation services. A place to search, review, and ultimately hire with confidence.

Here’s the thing: FindCostSeg isn’t trying to sell you anything. At its core, it’s an impartial tool, built to offer value rather than extract it. For now, we operate without a business model. There’s no agenda, no promotional incentives.

Eventually, we may monetize through advertising, but that’s a bridge for another day.


Today, our only goal is to serve you, the community of real estate investors navigating the same challenges I faced.

If you’ve read this far, it means you care about making informed decisions when it comes to optimizing your investments.


So, I have one simple request: If you’ve worked with a cost seg firm that truly delivered an unsung hero of tax strategy, please add them to the list.


Your insights can help us refine this resource and create something not just useful, but enduring.

Thank you for allowing me to share this journey with you.


Greg Pacioli | Curator



Greg Pacioli Profile Picture

I hope this list of the best cost seg providers helps you save time in your search as well as money on your taxes. This is the kind of resource I wish I had when researching my first cost segregation study.


- Greg

Can I Handle a Cost Segregation Study On My Own or Do I Need a Professional?


  • Navigating a cost seg study isn't like filing a simple tax return. While some investors might be tempted to go the DIY route, there are critical reasons why working with a specialized professional is almost always the smarter choice.


  • Cost segregation studies require a unique blend of engineering expertise and tax law knowledge that most individual investors simply don't possess.


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